Guide Template

Resolution #1: Find the right data migration service supplier

Resolution #2: Adopt a thorough data quality management strategy

Resolution #3: Scope and finance your data migration based on intelligence gathering, not guesswork

Resolution #4: Adopt a risk management strategy

Resolution #5: Appoint a data migration specialist

Resolution #6: Get the business engaged and motivated

Resolution #7: Create an agile project delivery approach


Resolution #8: Choose the right technology for your business model

 About the Author


Dylan Jones

Co-Founder/Contributor - Data Migration Pro
Principal/Coach - myDataBrand

Dylan is the former editor and co-founder of Data Migration Pro. A former Data Migration Consultant, he has 20+ years experience of helping organisations deliver complex data migration, data quality and other data-driven initiatives.

He is now the founder and principal at myDataBrand, a specialist coaching, training and advisory firm that helps specialist data management consultancies and software vendors attract more clients.